From: Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Separating packages.
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 14:31:43 +0200

On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 09:24:10AM +0000, n.v.t n.v.t wrote:
> I have simple question which I could not find in the debian policy, maybe
> someone could point me out to that section or the right documentation? Or a
> explanation would be nice. I'm debianizing a package that I would like to
> split up in several parts, the package has a 'backgrounds' directory a
> 'icons' directory and a 'examples' directory. How do I handle this? I would
> like to create packages like:
> package-backgrounds
> package-icons
> package-examples
> package-name (which contains all of the above) Should I do this as a
> meta-package? How do I create a meta-package?

Why? How big are the components? Would somebdy e.g install package-name
without package-icons or the other way round?
           cu andreas

It was a example. The person might only want the backgrounds or only the icons.

     * Contains all the files not in the other packages.
     * Depends on -backgrounds, -icons, and -examples (or only those
       required, you may want to leave out -examples from the
       dependency list).
     * Contains backgrounds.
     * May be installed separately (no dependencies).
     * Contains icons.
     * May be installed separately (no dependencies).
     * Contains examples.
     * Depends on package.

Sounds better to me.

What does the ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} mean? I can't find the meaning of those in the debian policy either? Why not just put depends of the splited package in the depends line instead of this?

This question still remains open to me.


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