Is there a specific reason you can't follow tags and their corresponding 
uploads? A long while ago I came up with a mechanism to force uscan to use the 
gitlab JSON API to get downloads, etc. but it was finnicky and I don't have the 
exact solutions here since that was long enough ago I lost a computer and its 
data and lost my solution to scrape the json with uscan.

Sent from my Galaxy

-------- Original message --------
From: Michel Lind <>
Date: 4/23/24 17:04 (GMT-05:00)
To: Fay Stegerman <>,
Subject: Re: Uscan no longer works with GitLab tags

On 4/3/24 5:19 PM, Fay Stegerman wrote:
> * Mike Gabriel <> [2024-04-03 10:00]:
>>> On Tuesday, April 2, 2024 8:22:26 AM MST Mike Gabriel wrote:
>>> master/
>>>> debian/watch
>>>> ```
>>>> version=3
>>>> .*/uploads/.*/appmenu-gtk-module-?([\d\.]+)\.tar\.xz
>>>> ```
>>>> The above used to successfully download the appmenu-gtk-module tarball
>>>> from the vala-panel-appmenu releases page:
>>> Try the attached watch file.
>> This works for vala-panel-appmenu, but not for appmenu-gtk-module. The
>> packaging of vala-panel-appmenu, appmenu-gtk-module and appmenu-registrar is
>> a bit special, because all three packages get built from the same source
>> code tree.
> [...]
>> The appmenu-gtk-module code is a subfolder in upstream vala-panel-appmenu
>> (subprojects/appmenu-gtk-module) and that subfolder was packaged as a
>> separate src:pkg in Debian at the time when it got introduced.
>> For this the upstream maintainer provides appmenu-gtk-module as a separate
>> tarball  for download at [1].
>> So the watch file should achieve downloading this exact tarball, i.e. 
>> Only chew on this if you really want to nut-crack it. I have burnt quite a
>> few brain cells on it yesterday and failed (which does not mean you will
>> also, but be warned, the solution does not seem trivial, however, maybe it
>> is).
> GitLab asset download URLs are a bit of a mess, but the attached watch file
> seems to give me that exact URL.
Thanks for this! I have a similar problem with archlinux-keyring - which uses a
different GitLab instance,

Using your watch file as a template, I managed to capture the exact URL needed
(tried using that and also matching on the releases URL), but I still get stuck
on the fact that uscan gets given an HTML page prompting to login instead.

wget handled the URL just fine. curl also gets an HTML page...

Best regards,

  _o) Michel Lind
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