Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: important

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-redmine":

 * Package name     : python-redmine
   Version          : 2.4.0-1
   Upstream contact : Max Tepkeev <>
 * URL              :
 * License          : Apache-2.0
 * Vcs              :
   Section          : python

The source builds the following binary packages:

  python3-redminelib - Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 3)

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

Alternatively, you can download the package with 'dget' using this command:

  dget -x

Changes since the last upload:

 python-redmine (2.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 2.4.0
   * New maintainer (Closes: #971356)
   * Add d/p/0001-fix-issues-with-tests.patch (Closes: #1056502, #1058134)
   * d/control:
     - Add new maintainer details
     - Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2
   * d/copyright:
     - Add new maintainer details
     - Add Upstream-Contact
   * Drop d/docs (no longer applicable)
   * Bump watch file standard to version 4

  Akash Doppalapudi

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