On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 09:45:40AM +1100, Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 11:59:23PM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
>>I am still looking for a sponsor for Gnosis-Utils (python-gnosis):
>>Package: python-gnosis
>>Description: Python modules for XML processing
>> Gnosis Utils contains several Python modules for XML processing, plus
>> other generally useful tools: xml.pickle (serializes objects to/from
>> XML, API compatible with the standard pickle module), xml.objectify
>> (turns arbitrary XML documents into Python objects), xml.validity
>> (enforces XML validity constraints via DTD or Schema), xml.indexer
>> (full text indexing/searching), and many more.
>> .
>> http://gnosis.cx/download/gnosis/
>>In the meantime a new release was made upstream. The Debian package can
>>be found at:
>> http://magnus.therning.org/gnosis/
>I guess the ITP is 227552 [0].

Correct! (As mentioned in the subject of the email :-)

>The .changes file [1] doesn't say "Closes: 227552".

Ah, modified the changelog. Since 1.1.0 never made it into Debian to
begin with I cleaned its entry out of the 1.1.1 package.

>[0] http://bugs.debian.org/227552
>[1] http://magnus.therning.org/gnosis/python-gnosis_1.1.1-1_i386.changes

Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Proprietary software developers are all doing something wrong, but this
doesn't mean they are all incompetent.
        -- Richard M. Stallman

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