
Too much SPAM in my mailbox, maybe I didn't see your email in the middle
of the pile of crap I found on Monday (something about 350 messages in
INBOX, not including mailing-list messages...)(I didn't read mails last

I'll take a look on it...

Em Ter, 2004-03-23 às 17:02, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo escreveu:
> Hello.
> I would like to find sponsor for my package which fixes two outstanding
> bugs:
> #239620: makeself: wrongly set architecture header 
> Severity: *serious*
> #239614: makeself - Description improvement 
> Severity: minor
> Here goes rest of relevant information:
> Package           : makeself
> License           : GPL
> Author name       : Stéphane Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL               : http://www.megastep.org/makeself/
> Short description : utility to generate self-extractable archives
> Long description  :
>  makeself is a small shell script that generates a self-extractible
>  archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as a shell script
>  (many of those have a .run suffix), and can be launched as is. The
>  archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an
>  optional arbitrary command will be executed (for example an installation
>  script). This is pretty similar to archives generated with WinZip
>  Self-Extractor in the Windows world. Makeself archives also include
>  checksums for integrity self-validation (CRC and/or MD5 checksums).
>  The makeself script itself is used only to create the archives from a
>  directory of files. The resultant archive is actually a compressed
>  (using gzip, bzip2, or compress) TAR archive, with a small shell script
>  stub at the beginning. This small stub performs all the steps of
>  extracting the files, running the embedded command, and removing the
>  temporary files when it's all over. All what the user has to do to
>  install the software contained in such an archive is to "run" the
>  archive, i.e sh nice-software.run. I recommend using the "run" (which
>  was introduced by some Makeself archives released by Loki Software) or
>  "sh" suffix for such archives not to confuse the users, since they it's
>  actually shell scripts (with quite a lot of binary data attached to it
>  though!).
> I tried to contact my previous sponsor but he hasn't replied yet (since
> Saturday). I'll be very thankful for sponsoring this package for me,
> especially because of that serious bug.
> Package is available at: http://skawina.eu.org/makeself/
> regards
> fEnIo

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