Doesn't Debian helper for Python do exactly this? 🤔

در 2 ژانویهٔ 2023 21:06:18 (UTC)، Barry Scott <> نوشت:
>I found the pypi2deb package but it does not work.
>For example:
>$ py2dsp xml-preferences
>/usr/bin/py2dsp:163: DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop
>  loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>E: py2dsp py2dsp:167: 'releases'
>The problem is that its loading meta data from PyPI and thinks there is a 
>field called 'releases' but it does not exist.
>I see the same issue with requests.
>Is there a tool that does work?
>Or is there a work flow I can follow turn a PyPI package into a debian package?

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