On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 02:05:08AM -0500, Brian Russo wrote:
> At Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 05:20:14PM +1100, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> > Since you're still in db.debian.org, and not listed as an emeritus or
> > disabled maintainer, I think all you'd have to do is get a new key in the
> > keyring and you'd be away.  That should just be generate a key, get it
> > signed, and send it to the keyring maintainer.
> Getting it signed is the trick isn't it?
Indeed.  <g>

> I'll try and sign this with my old key (54d81666)
> I think it's on an old hd around here.. otherwise..

That won't help as far as getting it into the debian keyring, since your old
one isn't trusted any more...

> Can this be approached like step 2 of the NM process? 

Yes, I believe it can.

> There are no other maintainers on island last I checked.

No, db.debian.org doesn't list any other developers in Hawaii, and Edward
Betts' GPS scripts show the "nearest" developers as being in South

- Matt

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