On Fri, 29 Apr 2022 22:55:25 +0200 Helmar Gerloni <hel...@gerloni.net> wrote:
Changes since the last upload:
rinetd (0.73-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* New upstream release (from https://github.com/samhocevar/rinetd).
That is already the upstream. Instead of mentioning the URL, please say "Closes:
A NMU must address open bugs that are not addressed by the maintainer.
* Added systemd service file debian/rinetd.service.
* Added debian/watch.
* debian/rules: CHANGES renamed to CHANGES.md.
* debian/docs: README renamed to README.md.
* debian/copyright: Update to DEP5 format.
* Removed debian/compat.
* debian/control:
+ Added debhelper-compat to Build-Depends.
+ Added lsb-base to Depends (lintian error).
+ Removed dh-autoreconf from Depends (lintian warning).
+ Added ${misc:Pre-Depends} to Pre-Depends (lintian warning).
+ Added UDP to Description (supported since 0.70).
+ Updated Standards-Version to
This is quite extensive for a NMU. Still I would consider sponsoring it with the comment above