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Am 28.04.22 um 20:53 schrieb rapier:
I guess the uploads needs some processing time because I do not see a new 
version yet.

Ugh. I made a mistake because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing (see the above lame excuse). I've deleted the prior package and have just reuploaded a new one. I'm starting to look through the lintian errors. As I fix those errors should I delete the prior package and just load a new one to avoid incrementing the version number?

You can just upload a package with the same version number without deleting the 
previous upload.
Your RFS was closed because of an automation that checks for packages' 
existence on mentors:;msg=53
I am reopening this RFS. So please only remove old package versions after the new upload has been processed. But you can also just leave the old uploads; they are overridden then.

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