Dear readers

bung 3.2.1 was released on 12 Feb 2022. Upgrading to the current release is always encouraged but bung 3.1.1 users need only do so if they want the new features

The tarball and .deb are available from Documentation is available from

*Changes since 3.1.1*

The most important changes are rsync_bu now supports non-root user for remote rsync and Debian 8 Jessie is no longer supported. The User Guide now includes an Android backup example

Bugfixes and new features

  * Documentation #12897 Missing postgresql_bu configuration sample
  * Bug #12900 .deb: postrm script: purge: /etc/opt/bung instead of
  * Task #12994 Examples: update Mikrotik hook scripts and templates
  * Feature #13503 bung: enable non-root user for remote rsync
  * Bug #13511 rsync_bu: hangs when there's no known_hosts entry for the
    remote host
  * Task #13504 run_remote_agent: reduce logging verbosity
  * Task #13509 All scripts: simplify the signal trapping and reporting
  * Feature #13518 initialise_1.scrippet: unprivileged use: default the
    conf, log, PID and tmp_root dirs
  * Feature #13569 rsync_bu: log the rsync command in a format which can
    be run by copy and paste

*Migration notes*

* No configuration changes are required for migration from 3.1.x to
* Debian 8 Jessie is no longer supported



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