After reading of official documentation
I have started like this:
Added DEB_SIGN_KEYID DEBEMAIL DEBFULLNAME to environment variables.
apt-get install build-essential pkg-config sbuild-debian-developer-setup
dput-ng packaging-dev
Depends on packages, what you want to build:
apt install dh-acc dh-ada-library dh-apache2 dh-apparmor dh-buildinfo
dh-consoledata dh-di dh-dist-zilla dh-elpa dh-exec dh-golang dh-haskell
dh-kpatches dh-linktree dh-lisp dh-lua dh-make-drupal dh-make-elpa
dh-make-golang dh-make-perl dh-metainit dh-ocaml dh-php dh-r dh-rebar
dh-runit dh-systemd dh-sysuser dh-virtualenv dh-xsp
after this I've tried to rebuild one package with
sbuild -v -d unstable
To create skeleton for you new package you can take dh_make or debmake
I decided to take a way with just debian folder in debian/master and
debian/$(lsb_release -cs) branches.
dh_make --help give you a small overview about some options, for small
template, it should be enough:
dh_make -s -c gpl3 -p $PACKAGE_0.0.0.1
debmake -T -P -L -x3 -f "$DEBFULLNAME" -e "$DEBEMAIL" -p $YOUR_PACKAGENAME -u
$PACKAGEVERSION -r 1 -d unstable -n
to have more templates.
Add d/watch for your package and try to check new version with
uscan --dehs
After changing debian/* files for you needs
wrap-and-sort -sav
for d/copyright licensecheck can be helpfull
enable CI/CD on salsa for debian/salsa.yml
I use a little bit modified version of salsa.yml:
add upstream/metadata with lintian-brush
add d/gbp.conf with "debian-branch = debian/master" and "overlay = true" in
section [DEFAULT] for clean debian branch.
git commit
gbp import-orig --uscan
gbp dch -i
git commit
git push
Sorry, it's just small overview, how I do it.
Best Regards,
Juri Grabowski