Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "wxsvg":
* Package name : wxsvg
Version : 2:1.5.23+dfsg-1
Upstream Author : Alex Thuering <>
* URL :
* License : wxWindows
* Vcs :
Section : libs
It builds those binary packages:
libwxsvg3 - SVG library for the wxWidgets toolkit
libwxsvg-tools - SVG library for the wxWidgets toolkit (tools)
libwxsvg-dev - Development files for wxSVG
This is a minor update triggered by a new upstream version.
More info: or using
dget -x
Changes since the last upload:
wxsvg (2:1.5.23+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version
* d/watch: dfsg.1 -> dfsg (lintian warning)
* d/control: Allow builds against wxWidgets 3.1
* d/control: Standards-version: 4.5.0 -> 4.6.0, no changes.
* Add patch for separate -latomic library causing sh4 build errors.