On Friday, 3 December 2021 02:46:43 AEDT Tong Sun wrote:
> ----
> grep: /etc/dbab/dbab.list-: No such file or directory
> cat: /etc/dbab/dbab.addr: No such file or directory
> ----
> They should be there but I have no idea why they are not.

Note that this isn't just about conffile handling in the package, these error 
messages also highlight bugs in the scripts that this package includes in 

* The scripts are assuming that files exist and do not test whether they exist. 
A conffile can be removed by the admin at any time; the software might not be 
able to work in that case, but it should exit with an informative error 
message not malfunction.

* The scripts do not handle errors properly (at all, really). I think you need 
to go through each script line by line and ask "what might make this command 
fail?", "can that failure be prevented?", "if not, what should happen after 

* The scripts have at least predictable temp-file issue that allow an 
unprivileged user to do arbitrary damage to a system, overwriting any file they 
choose with a simple "ln -s /some/victim/file /tmp/dbab-map.adblock.conf" prior 
to the admin installing or upgrading the package, or running that script.

* maintainer scripts should try very very hard to avoid failing (non-zero exit 
code) as that failure can be quite awkward to recover from. Failing the 
postinst because there's a blank line in the config file, for instance, seems 
pretty harsh.


Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stu...@nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stu...@debian.org
GPG fingerprint    90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7

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