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On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 17:35:23 +0900 Seunghun Han wrote:
Please check the pipeline result below.
Anyway, there are still some problems with reprotest and cross-build.
Should I solve them, too?
No, that can be done later. But I don't like the raised issue about the
manpages sections.
The *.conf and *.options belong to section 5 instead of 8. Please hand in a patch upstream and then
import it as a quilt patch (if there is no upstream release in between).
The code is authored (mostly) by Stefan Berger but copyrighted by IBM. For the BSD-3-clause license,
the copyright notices have to be documented, not the author notices. Please correct that in
d/copyright. Also the copyright year seem to range from 2006 to 2021. is CPL-licensed. Please document this in d/copyright.
Else this looks good to me.