
thanks for the review! The latest version 1.6.3~test1 on
https://mentors.debian.net/package/hipercontracer/ should solve the issues:

Den 02.06.2021 18:07, skrev Tobias Frost:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Thomas,
> Mentors says:
> "Package closes bugs in a wrong way
> Errors:
>     Bug #987996 is a RFS bug
>     hipercontracer:
>         #987996 (Normal, RFS): RFS: hipercontracer/1.6.0~rc1-1 [ITP]"
> --> you need to close the ITP bug in the changelog.
> Possibly after filing one; I couldnt find it at least…
> - On a new package, the _only_ changelog entry is that one that closes the 
> ITP.
> (in your case delete the new upstream version line and *all* older entries.
> - There are lots of versioned Build-Depends which are already fulfilled in
> oldstable. drop those.
>   - There is no cmake3 package in Debian, drop that alternative to cmake.
>   - It should be sufficient for the boost B-D to just specify the version
>     agnostic one. Or do I miss the point what you want to archive here?
>     (beside, oldstable has already 1.62, so no need to say >1.58)
> - Pendantic lintian has this, easy to fix:
> P: hipercontracer source: uses-debhelper-compat-file
Fixed. "/debian/compat" is gone now.
> - The examples should be installed using dh_installexamples (not using
> *.install)
> - Please add comments to lintian overrides. Did you override because you
>   checked them or just overode them?
Comment added.
> - I think the user/group handling in postinst is wrong in several ways.
>   - hardcoded id of 888. 
>   - names should be "invalid names" so that it cannot cause collisions.
>   - setting the hoemdirectory to /tmp/ is certainly a bad idea and I
>     guess insecure. Especially when setting /bin/bash as shell…
>   - IOW, Read the Debian Policy on this topic.

I rewrote the postinst and also added a postrm, in the same way as the
user creation is made by the tcpdump package.


Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vennlig hilsen

 Thomas Dreibholz

 SimulaMet -- Simula Metropolitan Centre for Digital Engineering
 Centre for Resilient Networks and Applications
 Pilestredet 52
 0167 Oslo, Norway
 E-Mail:     dre...@simula.no
 Homepage:   http://simula.no/people/dreibh

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