On Wed, 6 Oct 2021 22:10:51 +0200 haavard_aa...@yahoo.no wrote:
Changes since the last upload:

 c-blosc (1.21.1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release
   * Adopt package. Closes: #945176
   * d/watch: Update URL to GitHub.
   * d/control:
     - Drop version constriction on build-dependency
     - Update Standards-Version to 4.6.0
   * d/copyright: Update mail address.

Hi Håvard,

Thanks for taking care of this. About the repacking: The Files-Excluded list exludes more than necessary. I can understand that internal-complibs is excluded so that the distribution licenses do not have to be copied to copyright. The appveyor files are non-existing and having blosc/win32 does not really hurt. There are no binaries included, which is the reason to exclude Windows stuff often. Please do not remove blosc/win32 from the next upstream version.

Please fix debian/copyright. As your version is an improvement I upload it for now. But there are several copyright notices missing and files attributed to the wrong license: see examples dir for a few Expat licensed files. Also, the wildcard for the bitshuffle stuff matches too many files. blosc/fastcopy.c is based on zlib licensed code, so that license has to be included by Debian Policy 12.5 as well (even though not necessary legally).

Some files reference a non-existing LICENSE.txt which I cannot find. tests/gcc-segfault-issue.c claims that it was an MIT license but maybe upstream confuses MIT/BSD. Please ask upstream which license applies here.


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