Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On Thu, 2 Sep 2021 11:09:06 +0200
"Diego M. Rodriguez" <> wrote:
> Package: sponsorship-requests
> Severity: normal
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package
> "python-marshmallow-polyfield":

copyright: where does the 2015 upstream copyright year come from?

  * why hardcode the dependency on python3-marshmallow for the binary pkg?
  * the build-dep on the same also seems unneeded (at least unless/until
    tests are re-enabled, see watch)

watch: consider using github for upstream releases, as the files
published there include the upstream testsuite missing on pypi. And then
put those tests to good use, of course :)

Please remove the moreinfo tag (and CC me directly) once you have an
updated package ready.

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