On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 05:26:42PM +0800, clay stan wrote:
> I'm packaging a package. This package requires the kernel to load the
> zram module to use it.
> How can I implement it?
One option is documenting it in a README.Debian.

> The way I can think of is to use "modporbe -r zram" in postinst to
> load the module during installation, 
I don't think this is a good idea. Also modprobe only works until a
reboot. Also -r is "unload".

> or add a module-load.d conf file
> >[1] https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/systemd/modules-load.d.5.en.html
This can work, and I see a lot of packages in Debian already doing this,
but is loading the zram module enough for you or do you also need some
configuration for it?


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