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I'm looking for a sponsor for python-matplotlib

* Package name    : python-matplotlib
  Version         : 0.50
  Upstream Author : John D. Hunter  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/
* License         : Python style
    matplotlib is a pure python plotting library designed to bring publication
    quality plotting to python with a syntax familiar to matlab users. Although
    the goal of publication quality is not yet attained (see goals), the library
    does produce high quality 2D plots. All of the plotting commands can be
    accessed either via a functional interface familiar to matlab users or an
    object oriented interface familiar to python users

* Package name: python-matplotlib-doc
  Description: documentation files for matplotlib, generated with pydoc

I have also packaged this libraries, from which matplotlib depends on:

* Package name    : python-gdmodule:
  Version         : 0.52
  Upstream Author : Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://www.boutell.com/gd/
* License         : Python style
  Description: GD module is an interface to the GD library
    gd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images
    complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other
    images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a PNG or JPEG file.
    This is particularly useful in World Wide Web applications, where PNG and
    JPEG are two of the formats accepted for inline images by most browsers.

* Package name    : python-pypaint:
  Version         : 0.3
  Upstream Author : David Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pypaint
* License         : Python style
  Description: pypaint provides a light Python wrapper for libart
    This module provides a light Python wrapper for libart. It only
    provides basic functionality at the moment - line drawing, rectangles,
    polygons, arcs, fill, and simple font support.

* Package name    : python-ttfquery:
  Version         : 0.2.6+1.0.0a1
  Upstream Author : Michael C. Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://ttfquery.sourceforge.net/
* License         : Python style
  Description: fonttools package for querying and sorting system fonts
    TTFQuery builds on the FontTools package to allow the Python
    programmer to accomplish a number of tasks:
     * query the system to find installed fonts
     * retrieve metadata about any TTF font file
       (even those not yet installed)
           o abstract family type
           o proper font name
           o glyph outlines
     * build simple metadata registries for run-time font matching
    With these functionalities, it is possible to readily create OpenGL
    solid-text rendering libraries which can accept abstract font-family
    names as font specifiers and deliver platform-specific TTF files to
    match those libraries.  TTFQuery doesn't provide rendering services,
    but a sample implementation can be found in the OpenGLContext
    project, from which TTFQuery was refactored.
    (thanks to Jochen Voss for the initial release of this package)

Packages I made:
  url: http://anakonda.altervista.org/debian/packages/

       deb http://anakonda.altervista.org/debian packages/
       deb-src http://anakonda.altervista.org/debian sources/

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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