Hello again! Just a follow-up: the package is now up to date. The executable now is called "elementary-terminal". The "mo" locale was corrected with a patch that I sent to upstream - they have already accepted it and merged it so the next version should have it fixed.
I hope you can have another look at the package - and at other elementary-related packages I'm sending to mentors. Thanks for reviewing! Francisco On 2021-06-14 14:45, Adam Borowski wrote: > On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 12:43:39AM -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote: > > * Package name : elementary-terminal > > Version : 5.5.2-1~exp1 > > > elementary-terminal (5.5.2-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium > > . > > * Initial release (Closes: #989489) > > Hi! > Is there a reason you left the executable named "io.elementary.terminal"? > The website — nor its reverse — is not relevant to a user; people instead > expect the principal executable to be named same as the package — and also, > our convention is to name terminals "${FOO}-terminal". > > (On the other hand, if you strongly insist on keeping that Javaesque name, > this is not a blocker, I'll just whine and upload.) > > > Most of translation .po files are empty — is there any reason to ship them? > (But this can be considered an upstream bug.) > > > The language code for Romanian as spoken in Moldova is not "mo" but "ro-MD"; > there's no glibc locale for the former thus the .po won't be picked up. > (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moldovan_language tells an interesting story: > the language is by law "Romanian", but during Soviet occupation it was > forced as "Moldovan" for political reasons, present communist party also > pushes for the latter but that goes against both the public opinion and > courts. The ISO lang code "mo" was once valid but has been removed.) > > > Package description: "originalle" should be translated to English. (Such > pointless mixing of languages would postpone world domination of English > ad calendas graecas ☺.) > > > Last and least: the short desc ("Modern ...") shouldn't be capitalized. > > > Meow! > -- > ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ What Would Jesus Do, MUD/MMORPG edition: > ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ • multiplay with an admin char to benefit own mortal [Mt3:16-17] > ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ • abuse item cloning bugs [Mt14:17-20, Mt15:34-37] > ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ • use glitches to walk on water [Mt14:25-26] > -- []'s | Francisco M Neto | <fmn...@fmneto.com> | 3E58 1655 9A3D 5D78 9F90 | CFF1 D30B 1694 D692 FBF0
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