Control: tags -1 moreinfo Hi Leon,
I'm not sure about the status of this RFS / it seems that there is some confusion… So lets try to untangle this… What I can see from the diff is that the only package dropped is vim-ascidoc. This looks sane to me, and due to the fact that vim depends on vim-runtime on any vim flavour != tiny, people possibly have already vim-runtime installed. However -- as popcon of the package is rather high -- I would put up some NEWS.Debian file saying that this is dropped in favour of vim-runtime; This is especially useful, if (I did not check if that is the case!) the user needs to do someting to switch to the vim-runtime provided thingy. What do you think? However, as Debian is frozen and an upload to unstable is out of scope currently: Would you like to target experimental for now or do you want to wait until bullseye have been released and/or maybe looking into packaging the new upstream release? (I'm marking the bug as moreinfo for now, just to keep the RFS bugs list "actionable". Feel free to remove the tag once it make sense to proceed with the sponsoring -- be it experimental or post-bullseye-release…) -- Cheers, tobi