I'm looking for a sponsor for the version 0.5-1 of cvs-autoreleasedeb that already is into the archive.
The files to upload are available at sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57915&package_id=53579&release_id=218237 Description: Automatically release/upload debian packages from CVS This package provides the capability of automatically publish a deb package directly from the CVS source. The CVS source must be already in the format managed by cvs-buildpackage, since cvs-buildpackage will be used to generate the deb. . This package is useful to release the 'unstable' version of a software. The control of when to release the deb is made by watching the debian/changelog file. This script maintains a list of which packages to automate and the version they are. Every time you increases the version in changelog, the package you are working will be generated. . Thanks in advance, daniel
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