On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 08:13:53AM -0500, Kris Occhipinti wrote:
>  * Package name    : space-attack-2
>    Version         : 20210210-1
>  * URL             : http://filmsbykris.com/games/2021/Space-Attack-2
>  * License         : GPL-3.0+
>    Section         : games

>  space-attack-2 (20210210-1) unstable; urgency=medium
>  .
>    * Initial release (Closes: #nnnn)  <nnnn is the bug number of your ITP>

First, I'd like to apologize that most of us here won't respond quickly --
the freeze just started, the gate for new packages into the next release is
closed (new stuff is accepted but only into unstable), and we're all busy
getting last fixes in.  It's just bad timing.  On the other hand, doing the
packaging now is still useful -- derivatives like Ubuntu follow a different
release schedule.

But, let's start the review.

First, you'd need to document all the copyright stuff and put it into
debian/copyright.  I see that most if not all stuff in res/ comes from
different authors and under different licenses (usually CC-something).

Then, there's a lot of boilerplate that needs to be either filled in or

There's an automated checker, "lintian", that can point out a lot of
problems.  If invoked with -i option, it will also give a good description
of each issue.  A good part of review I can do is can be handled by lintian,
thus I won't repeat that myself.  There's >20 issues it notes...

Upon running the game, I get:
ERROR: get_language_code: Condition "p_locale.length() < 2" is true. Returned: 
   At: core/translation.cpp:945.
ERROR: set_locale: Unsupported locale 'C', falling back to 'en'.
   At: core/translation.cpp:969.
res://res/sounds/hud/cross_attack.ogg does not exist.

(For locale, I'm using C.UTF-8 which is non-localized English -- and the
default locale when not otherwise set.)

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Have you accepted Khorne as your lord and saviour?

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