Le dim. 14 févr. 2021 à 14:45, Mechtilde Stehmann <mechti...@debian.org> a
écrit :

> Hello Leopold,
> hello all,
> does it also build at buildd after a source only upload.
> At the official build machines it is n't allowed to install a package
> which isn't called in debian/control beside the essential build packages.
> You have to call *all needed* packages for building in debian/control.
> Otherwise it can't be build at the official build machines.
> This should be ensured by pbuilder. You have to be able to build in a
> clean pbuilder chroot.


indeed, and we all agree on that.
I'm using sbuild in a clean sid chroot, and i don't see the problem with
sphinx at all.
Could the problem be somewhere else ?


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