On Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 02:46:58PM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
> Hi,
> My package ser2net has migrated from having its config in ser2net.conf
> in their own format to ser2net.yaml. There is no converter tool provided
> by upstream, and considering the package's popcon data with 187
> installations I am not willing to spend the implementation and testing
> time with that.
> The program can still read the old file format, the only "limitation" is
> that files with .yaml ending cannot be in the old format.
> I would like to deliver a YAML config file with the package and have the
> old file still supported if an old file is still there (optimally
> printing a warning when starting up with old format). I would prefer to
> avoid a wrapper script.
> My idea would be to have two distinct systemd units, ser2net and
> ser2net-oldconfig, with appropriate ConditionPathExists directives.
> Is there something more elegant?

Release note  IIRC    debian.NEWS     (please check filename)

Which says
> The program can still read the old file format, the only "limitation" is
> that files with .yaml ending cannot be in the old format.

And further burden on the shoulder of the Debian Maintainer  ...

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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