Hi everybody,

after some studying/learning/suffering I finally got to package the
different modules of the GNU polyxmass project.

These packages are lintian/linda clean (except for the bad-colors
error that I could not succeed to remove, even by following
indications from this list members).

I could install all the packages in the software project using apt-get
with the following two lines in sources.list:

deb http://www.polyxmass.org/debian-packages binary-i386/
deb-src http://www.polyxmass.org/debian-packages source/

I hope somebody will be interested in this scientific package of which
a description is available at http://www.polyxmass.org.

Briefly, mass spectrometry is a very powerful analytical technique
that allows the measurement of molecular weights of molecules. Knowing
the molecular mass of a molecule is the first crucial step in the
analytical process that leads to the determination of that molecule's
structure. Mass spectrometry is incredibly popular these days, as it
is the founding technique of new biological fiels, like proteomics and
systems biology. 

GNU polyxmass aims at giving to the user the ability to
simulate/predict and analyze mass spectrometric data obtained on
polymeric molecules. What sets this program apart, as a unique mass
spectrometry software project is that the user is able to define brand
new polymer chemistries (polyxdef module). The polymer chemistry
definition files (XML-format) are then made available to the other
modules: a mass calculator (usable as a desktop calculator) and a
hyper-powerful polymer sequence editor and chemistry simulator

I hope that somebody will want to check that software suite. Note that
a whishlist bug gets closed with these packages, and I have received
already a number of encouraging messages from user who either use the
program already or who are happy that it could become part of the
Debian GNU/Linux distribution.



        Mass spectrometry in GNU/Linux ? GNU polyxmass !

         www.gnu.org/software/polyxmass or www.polyxmass.org

          Free software that you are welcome to distribute!

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