On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:30 PM Lajos Veres wrote:

> Do I understand well that practically the debian folder should have to
> disappear from the orig.tar.gz?
> Is this what the check verifies?


> I am wondering to move the debian folder to a dedicated github
> repository to have it version tracked. Or is there any more Debian
> friendly place for these debian packaging repositories?

If you prefer the current situation, feel free to use a native package
or keep the package as-is, lintian is a provider of friendly packaging
advice rather than something that must be followed.

If you decide to split the debian/ dir, you could also keep it on
github but not in the orig.tar.gz, either by filtering the tarball
created by github using the Files-Excluded feature of
uscan/mk-origtargz, or by storing the debian/ dir on a separate branch
or separate repo. Otherwise, Salsa is a popular place for storing
Debian package git repos:




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