On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 1:05 PM Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 12:25:19PM -0400, Tong Sun wrote:
> > > > > > PS, here are all libgit2 related packages installed in my system, 
> > > > > > and
> > > > > > their versions:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > libgit2-1.0:amd64_1.0.0+dfsg.1-1
> > > > > > libgit2-28:amd64_0.28.5+dfsg.1-1
> > > > > > libgit2-build-deps_1.0.0+dfsg.1-1
> > > > > > libgit2-dev:amd64_0.28.5+dfsg.1-1
> > > > > > libgit2-glib-1.0-0:amd64_0.28.0.1-2
> > > > > > libgit2-glib-1.0-dev:amd64_0.28.0.1-2
> > > > > So you installed packages from sid and built against them.
> >
> > > > > This cannot test packages from experimental.
> >
> > but I have to, right?
> I don't know, are you the maintainer of either of involved packages?

I'm currently helping with the library transition for libgit2-dev.

as I explained first in my OP.

> > > > So, overall, the problem was that I was testing packages from
> > > > experimental in sid, while what I should do is test them in
> > > > experimental instead, right?
> > > No, you didn't test any packages from experimental. You have packages from
> > > sid installed and you build on the host system, so there is no way to test
> > > anything else, unless you described your workflow incorrectly.
> >
> > The problem is I don't have a workflow.
> Well, you did something, that's what I've meant.
> By the way, explaining *what* exactly did you do in the initial email
> would be very helpful to people trying to answer your questions.

I'm currently helping with the library transition for libgit2-dev.
This is the first time I'm doing the library transition so I'm
following the library transition steps on the Debian wiki, i.e. doing
exactly as what the wiki tells me to do, or at least what I understand
from it, instead of inventing steps on my own. So far I've tried to
build a few packages that depend on it, like calligra.

> > This is the first time I'm
> > doing the library transition, and so far all my attempts are failing.
> > So maybe instead of me describing my incorrect workflow, would be OK
> > for you to lay out what exactly I should be doing?
> That depends on what you want to do.
> If you want to check that some package builds against some package from
> experimental, you need to actually build it against it. How exactly to do
> that, again, depends on the workflow used. If you prefer building in the
> host system you need to install the experimental packages into it, but
> it's always recommended to use sbuild or pbuilder to build packages, both
> of them have means to add an experimental build-dep to the build process.
> > All in all, I must test packages from experimental, any you seems to
> > suggest it is impossible -- "there is no way to test anything else",
> > "This cannot test packages from experimental".
> No, it' just impossible to test a package on the host system without
> actually installing it there, which you were apparently trying to do.

Oh, thanks for the clarification, I'll use sbuild to rebuild my packages then.

But I'd only been using sbuild to build sid packages previously, where
can I find the doc on how to add an experimental build-dep to sbuild's
build process?


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