Package: sponsorship-requests
Followup-For: Bug #968021
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Rodolphe,

I've took a look at your package, here are some remarks that needs to be
addressed before uploading:

- There is a bug on the BTS asking for the new upstream version. Please
  close it using d/changelog.
- Why you bump compat level only to 10?
  - the changelog should have more details on this. The "why" is not visible 
    looking at the changes to the packaging.
- Not all changes are recorded in d/changelog, e.g the change of the Homepage 
- The change to the VCS fields also needs to close the Bug filed on this issue.
- Did you use the policy upgrade checklist when updating S-V?
  I miss at least one change that should have been doneā€¦

- d/copyright needs updating, at least the debian/* part.

- d/patches are missing some fields in the dep3 format. Have the patches been
  sent upstream?

Wishlist: (no blockers for upload)
- I don't like private repos on salsa very much. Please consider moving
  it to the Debian namespace for collaborative maintaince.

As always, please check those items, update your pacakges and then
remove the moreinfo tag to signal that you're ready for the next round
of reviewing!

Many thanks for your contributions to Debian!


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