Hi Hilmar,

> Not sure, why you name it -3. Normally one bumps the Debian revision
> only if the the previous revision has been uploaded to Debian.

My repo won't let me replace, so I needed to increment. At least, that's my 

> now to apply the patch and build? what next?
> Now that the package is probably lintian clean you may again ask for a
> sponsor. I'm not a DD, I can't help here.

Can I keep this same bug number 969446 or should I open a new bug report?


nick strauss

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, 03:45:29 AM CDT, Hilmar Preuße 
<hill...@web.de> wrote: 

Am 12.09.2020 um 05:24 teilte Nick Strauss mit:


>> The tar ball I provided contains a patch, which changes this to "/usr".
> I have added your changes to my repo as vguitar_2.6-3
Not sure, why you name it -3. Normally one bumps the Debian revision
only if the the previous revision has been uploaded to Debian.

> can be accessed as
> now to apply the patch and build? what next?
Now that the package is probably lintian clean you may again ask for a
sponsor. I'm not a DD, I can't help here.

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