Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Francisco,

On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 17:16:50 -0300 Francisco M Neto <> wrote:
> Package: hydrapaper
> Version: 1.12-1

Upstream has released 2.0 in the meantime. Can you update it please?

I: hydrapaper source: quilt-patch-missing-description 010_fix-quotation-marks-
- the patch does not have dep3 headers. Have you sent the patch upstream?

- 1st files section says License: GPL3+, but License text says "Version 2" at
two locations.
- Usually it is best to have the same license for the debian/* part as
  upstream. If you make the debian/* GPL3+, d/copyright can become even shorter.
  (Yes, GPL2+ includes GPL3+, but the version 2 is moot in combination)

Build Depends on cmake and meson. Does it need both?
The list on Build-Depends on the is shorter than in d/control.
Please re-check your B-Ds if they are really needed.

d/watch has some extra lines.
d/watch could be more elegant, see

(Noting here that your orig source tarball is tar.xz, but upstream has no
tar.xz… How did you create the orig.xz tarball? Please stick to the upstream
provided one…)

There is no need to override maintainer-manual-page. Overrides should not be
used to silence lintian, but only if lintian is wrong.
However, if you override you should provide more information in the override,
like the MR where the manpage can be found.
But ASFAIS the next release will have the manpage, so no need for action.
d/control: There is a double-space in the long description before MATE

Please fix those issues and then remove the moreinfo tag!


PS: There are two other packages with your name attached are marked "Need
sponsor: No" on mentors.d.n. I could not find a RFS either. Is this intentional?

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