On Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 07:39:14AM +0200, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:
> > Francisco M Neto <fmn...@fmneto.com> hat am 08.09.2020 03:31 geschrieben:
> > 
> >  
> > Greetings,
> > 
> >     I see a lot of RFS email that just sits there in the mailing list,
> > without ever getting a response... is that normal? Do responses about 
> > requests
> > for sponsorship usually not get sent to debian-mentors? 
> > 
> >     Is there something I should be doing to get someone to sponsor my
> > package?
> > 
> Yes, the process is highly frustrating. 
> Hang in there, buddy!

Yeah as in real life.

You are completely free to feel frustrated.
You are also free to enjoy other sides of life.

Visit https://bugs.debian.org/sponsorship-requests
for list of resolved sponsorship request.

Yes, the same webpage has a list of RFS that need follow-up.
Just "Hang in" will not help.


Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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