General information on packaging:

(Sorry, these may be out of date and/or not very clear - are working on better ones. Non-trust warning: is an anyone-can-edit site.)

Plugins and security:

Thank you for thinking about this question.

grep -rhi -e "Package:.*plugins" /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages finds many existing plugin collection packages, but they may have non-security reasons for being separate (e.g. package/dependencies size).

An alternative way to reduce the exploitability of bugs in obscure formats would be to make the library's autodetect functionality default to only considering common formats (and/or to rejecting files with misleading filename extensions). Users who do want to use such a format would then have to request it at run time; this has the advantage (compared to installing a plugin package) of being one-off rather than default-permanent, but the disadvantage that it might be too easy to click yes without thinking.

  • abydos Magnus Bergman
    • Re: abydos Rebecca N. Palmer

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