I figured out what happened. 

When I first opened reportbug it asked me against what package I wanted
to submit the bug, and I hadn't noticed that it *should* have
been sponsorship-requests; so it went somewhere else. I've sent email
to control@b.d.o correcting that. I'm just not sure if it's enough for
it to be sent to this mailing list as well.


Francisco M Neto <fmn...@fmneto.com

GPG: 4096R/D692FBF0

On Mon, 2020-08-31 at 08:50 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-08-30 at 13:31 -0300, Francisco M Neto wrote:
> > But I don't see my RFS here
> I don't see your RFS on the BTS either:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?submitter=fmn...@fmneto.com
> https://portfolio.debian.net/result?email=fmn...@fmneto.com

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