On 2020-07-23 19:55, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
* Richard Hansen <rhan...@rhansen.org> [200723 23:54]:
[ Martin Pitt ]
* Drop obsolete initscripts dependency. /lib/init/vars.sh is now in the
(required) sysvinit-utils. (Closes: #804975)
[ Christian Hofstaedtler ]
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes required)
* Update Vcs-Browser, Vcd-Git to use https URLs
These changes were already part of the 3.8.3-1.1 upload, so they
should not be in the changelog for 3.9.x.
They're not in the changelog for 3.9.x, though they used to be. Are you looking
at the latest version? See: