> PS:
>         Zen my library is perfect but if you want I'll try my best to
>         add some bugs 

Hey, your libary may well be perfect :)

More power to you, dude!

http://www.gnu.org/directory/ is the top level GNU software page,
and here is the GNU mathematics packages page:

And those pages don't even seem to list glpk - GNU Linear Programming
Kit (but searching from those pages for "glpk" finds it). Your stuff
sounds like it might be nicely complementary. Anyway, my only point is
there is a lot of software out there, and it is useful to tell people
what makes yours different/ better/ etc., especially if you want to
enlist supporters/ testers/ users/ documentors/ etc.

For uploading, there are probably some free sites you can upload to, eg.
sourceforge.net, freshmeat.net, geocities (?), savannah.org, etc.

You can choose to make your software an official GNU project, or simply
package it for a GNU/Linux distribution such as the widely popular and
highly recommended Debian.

For packaging, you might be interested in the New Maintainers Guide,
found by scrolling down from this page:

Alternatively you can simply hope that one day someone else will package

Initially, the simplest route is to find some place to upload it (eg.
create a sourceforge site) and tell people about it - announce it to the
Debian.org, www.GNU.org and Slashdot.org websites.

On licensing:

The minimum requirements imposed (on users of your library), to
guarantee maximum freedoms are maintained over the long term.

LGPL ("Lesser" GPL):
"Maintains" less freedom-preserving requirements than the GPL, by
allowing Proprietary applications to link with your library. This may be
a good thing to get more users, especially if your library is competing
with others out there. If your library is unique, you may not wish to
"give away your effort for nothing", and use the GPL instead (like the
company Trolltech does with their QT software - you can buy licenses to
QT if you want to release Proprietary software; that's how that company
makes money).

Essentially public domain - people can take your code and relicense it
under Proprietary license. This is probably not what you want. Some
people say this is "more" freedom than the GPL provides, which is kind
of true. But history shows us that there is today an enormous body of
GPL software out there, so the GPL, for various reasons, has certainly
resulted in a lot of Free Software. Which for many of us is The Worthy
Goal (TM).

BTW, don't confuse Proprietary with Commercial with Free Software.
Proprietary and Free Software are opposites, Commercial and
Non-commercial are opposites and both Free and Proprietary software can
be either of Commercial, or Non-commercial. Eg., You can give away
Proprietary software gratis, and you can charge (a lot of money in fact)
for distribution and enhancement of Free Software.


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