On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:25 AM Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> For future simple-cdd questions I suggest contacting the simple-cdd
> maintainer about this, most folks on this list aren't simple-cdd users
> (including me).
> simple-...@packages.debian.org
Wow, a dedicated channel. Noted with thanks.

I was stuck with simple-cdd-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org and apparently
that list was gone.

> In general, the packages installed by the Debian Installer mostly
> depend on which desktop you select from the installer menus (Task
> Selection screen IIRC). It looks like the sddm package is usually
> installed when you install the KDE Plasma Desktop task. I'm not sure
> but I assume that simple-cdd images aren't different to the regular
> installer here.
> Which tasks have you selected for installation?
I was trying to enable SDDM+LXQt minimal using the simple-cdd's
packages profile. Later I got to know what simple-cdd packs everything
listed in .packages into base system install phase that caused the
SDDM+LXQt malfunctioning. Managed to workaround but it's hackish.

Thanks for the mailing list. Closing this thread.

Aspiring to be Debian Developer

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