Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear Chris and mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "elpy". A new upstream version is needed because self-tests are failing in DebCI with the existing version due to the new version of Black. I chose to package a git snapshot because it's a poor use of free time to rebase and 3-way merge the patch queue onto the last stable release, and because if the relaxed timing for self-tests doesn't do the trick on DebCI then we'll need something close to upstream/master to work with upstream on a fix. Package name : elpy Version : 1.29.1+31.ge61540b-1 URL : License : GPL-3+ Section : devel It builds this binary package: elpa-elpy - Emacs Python Development Environment To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL: Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command: dget -x Or clone from here and use gbp to build: Changes since the last upload: elpy (1.29.1+31.ge61540b-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Package upstream snapshot. * Drop all patches that were merged upstream: 0002-Add-a-quickstart-section-to-the-documentation-1598.patch 0003-Make-sure-we-cannot-load-Elpy-twice.patch 0004-Enable-elpy-mode-in-python-buffer-when-enabling-Elpy.patch 0005-Fix-typo.patch * Register HTML documentation with doc-base. * Add a tip to README.Debian about how to trigger elpy-enable only for buffers that would use python-mode, instead of unconditionally running it during Emacs init. * debian/elpa-test: Set elpa-rpc-timeout to double it's default value to defend against timing-related self-test failures on DebCI. * Add 0002-Double-max-wait-in-elpy-wait-for-output-self-test.patch to double the amount of time we wait-for-output during self-tests. * Switch to debhelper-compat 12. -- Nicholas D Steeves <> Tue, 23 Jul 2019 20:22:01 -0400 elpy (1.28.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium Regards, Nicholas