Hello Andrey,

Thank you foor looking into my request.

I have a .deb ready, built with the instructions that you already found. I
can send it, but I need a place to send it to. Please don't be hasty with
closing the request, I am here to fill up any remaining gaps.

What do you mean with "appropriate tools" ? It is a standard Scala app, and
it uses SBT as a build tool. The commands to do that are described.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Kransen

Jeroen Kransen
Kransen IT

2018-06-30 10:10 GMT+02:00 Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org>:

> On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 08:49:38AM +0200, Jeroen Kransen wrote:
> > I made software to read serial (uart) sensors easily and pipe the
> readings
> > to other systems. Currently I support two models of particulate sensors
> and
> > two remote services, but I plan to add support for many to come.  I am
> > ready to commit to maintaining this software for the long term.
> Hello Jeroen. In order to get your package into Debian you must prepare a
> proper policy-compliant source package and then ask for sponsorship. I'm
> closing this bug as it seems there is nothing to review and sponsor yet.
> You should start working with reading https://mentors.debian.net/int
> ro-maintainers
> > The code is on github, under https://github.com/jkransen/fijnstof
> I see it has some docs about generating a .deb. That is not a proper way
> to make a Debian package, the proper way is making a source package and
> building it with appropriate tools.
> --

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