On Thu, 07 Jun 2018, Albert van der Horst wrote:
> Can somebody confirm that it should be possible?

It's possible.

You want something like (untested):

https://github.com/albertvanderhorst/ciforth/releases \
  downloads/CVS_REL[\d-]+/@PACKAGE@@ANYVERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@ debian uupdate

> P.S. Is there scientific proof that tools like uscan save more time than
> they cost?

They save me time.

> A 13 page manual and perl expertise required just to specifiy where a
> file hangs out?

Yep. Things would be simpler if all websites allowed you to view all
directories and their contents, but because
https://github.com/albertvanderhorst/ciforth/releases/downloads doesn't
work, it's hard for uscan to figure out what on that page could match
CVS_REL. uscan has gotten more powerful to handle some of the more
interesting ways that upstreams distribute source packages.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

[M]en and nations do behave wisely once they have exhausted all other
 -- Abba Ebban

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