On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 11:20:21AM +0100, Thomas -Balu- Walter wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 10:57:01AM +1100, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> > Quick hand check.  Of all people willing to sponsor others, who actually
> > checks that page regularly to find people to sponsor?
> In addition there is the forum at mentors.debian.net. Which is not
> checked by possible sponsors I guess.

Another place I don't check.  Am I the only one?

> > Wasn't there previous discussion on using the BTS for tracking sponsorship
> > requests and such?  Perhaps we should give that a crack - virtual package,
> > say "sponsor" or "wnpp-sponsor" (don't want to put these onto wnpp itself,
> > since it's got enough crap already), wishlist bugs for new applications, and
> > higher severity bugs for NMU and bugfix sponsorship requests (perhaps equal
> > to the severity of the highest bug fixed <g>).  The bug gets closed in the
> > changelog (Sponsored by <foo>.  Closes: #nnnnn.)  If you need a new sponsor,
> > you file another bug.  Rolling uploads with your existing sponsor would be
> > handled privately.
> Why not wnpp and a new Subject-Tag "RFS"? RFP and ITP are there anyway?

We could, but "(don't want to put these onto wnpp itself, since it's got
enough crap already)".

I'm looking for a way to easily see all of the sponsorship requests in a way
that tracks their status better than the rather bodgy script at
internatif.org.  I guess if it were possible to filter bug reports on
regexps in title (is there?) that would be a possible solution, and we can
keep it in wnpp.

- Matt

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