> I think original poster is unaware of `debcheckout` from
> the package `devscripts`.

Yes, I wasn't aware of neither debcheckout.nor debsnap.
Looks like the devscripts package is a teasure trove of
useful scripts, many thanks for that pointer.

> > In case of binutils that will not help:
> > ...
> > > Ops, that's actually due to missing bzr :)
> > >
> > > Well, with installed bzr the result is quite the same due to missing repo.

The issue with missing repos or not updated repo entries
seems to be more general: 

$ debcheckout glibc
declared git repository at https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-glibc/glibc.git
git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-glibc/glibc.git glibc ...
Cloning into 'glibc'...
fatal: repository 'https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-glibc/glibc.git/' not 
checkout failed (the command above returned a non-zero exit code)

As I pointed out in my initial post already, I could find the repo on salsa
(https://salsa.debian.org/glibc-team/glibc.git), but if I was not just only
Unlucky, it looks like missing repos (as for the binutils package) or dangling
links (as for the glibc package) seems to be a rather common issue, geatly
deprecating the usefulness of such a useful tool like debcheckout. Is there
any hope that this is being addressed in the forseeable future, maybe while
doing the transition of repos to https://salsa.debian.org?

And finally: Is there any chance to find the binutils package somewhere

Again, many thanks for your valuable help,


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