I understand this much:
A package for a Debian system must be buildable on the Debian it is
intended for.
Let's restrict our attention to a single architecture package.
So a new candidate DEC alpha packets must properly build on Buster DEC
alpha , or on a fake-root system.
So far so good.
Running a AMD architecture Debian I run programs built for i386 without
giving it much thought.
Is it sufficient if an i386 package builds and tests properly on an AMD
buster, or is it mandatory to
install a i386 buster for testing?
An i386 package will run without problems on an AMD. Now if this has
been confirmed, can AMD
be added to the architecture: line in the file ``control'' ?
Groetjes Albert
Suffering is the prerogative of the strong, the weak -- perish.
Albert van der Horst