
On 09/04/18 15:13, Nico Schlömer wrote:
> Thanks Leo,
> I've checked out ros-bond-core now and found that it's simpler than what I
> have: The Python package is installed just like the rest of the library
> with CMake, plus there are no compiled Python extensions that would need to
> link against the bond library. That's why d/rules can be so simple.
> Unfortunately, this doesn't help much with my problem.

there's a python extension cv_bridge



> Cheers,
> Nico
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 1:18 PM Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <>
> wrote:
>> On 06/04/18 16:38, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I would like to package a piece of software that includes both a C++
>>> library and a Python package. When building locally from scratch, one is
>>> supposed to
>>>   * build and install the library first,
>>>   (* then build and run the tests, compiling against what just has been
>>> installed,)
>>>   * then build and install the Python package, compiling against what
>> just
>>> has been installed.
>>> If C++ library and Python packages came from two different sources,
>> things
>>> would be easy. It's not clear to me though how to first install one part
>> of
>>> a source, and then another against it. Perhaps there are example packages
>>> out there that do that already.
>>> Any hints?
>> Nico,
>> maybe it helps. The ROS robotics packages has a lot of examples of C++
>> libraries
>> and Python code. They are located in salsa, for instance:
>> Take one eye. Look any example of package that begins with ros-
>> Best regards,
>> Leopold
>> --
>> --
>> Linux User 152692     GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
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Linux User 152692     GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
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Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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