On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 03:42:40PM -0600, John Lightsey wrote:
> I'm trying to adopt xmms-goom which has a release critical bug related to 
> !x86 architectures.  I believe the version I've packaged fixes the problem, 
> but I don't have access to a !x86 machine running unstable to test it on.  If 
> someone could download, build, and test this package I'd be very gratefull.
> http://www.nixnuts.net/xmms-goom.tar.gz
> All of the necessary files are included.  If it gives you any errors during 
> the build process please send me a copy of the build log.

I'm not a mentor, but I've got an hppa running unstable. :-)

It appears the build is not taking cares to disable MMX on non-ia32
architectures. I'll send a typescript to you privately.

chris jantzen kb7rnl =->         __O
Insert witty comment here.     _`\<,_
http://www.maybe.net/         (*)/ (*)

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