Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> writes:

> Is it actually doing any harm? Does it get included in the package?
> Does it get rebuilt? If it gets rebuilt then just remove it in the
> clean rule. If it doesn't get included then you could just ignore
> it.

That's not sufficient. If a source package contains an auto-generated
file, that file needs corresponding source in Debian (typically in the
same source package).

A source package that contains a file that requires source not in Debian
is one of the reasons given by FTP masters for rejecting a source
package <URL:https://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html>, as a
“serious violation” of Debian policy.

> It's not doing any harm, unless it's known to be non-free.

Regardless of the license granted for the file, if the file is
non-source (i.e. if it is not the preferred form of that work for making
modifications), it should not be in the Debian source package.

As Wookey points out, the best way to ensure that is to remove it from
the source package when re-packing the source for Debian.

 \     “DRM doesn't inconvenience [lawbreakers] — indeed, over time it |
  `\     trains law-abiding users to become [lawbreakers] out of sheer |
_o__)                        frustration.” —Charles Stross, 2010-05-09 |
Ben Finney

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