Hi Chris,

On Sun, Jan 07, 2018 at 07:54:52PM +0000, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> > I'm not sure if it enough to remove the term from the short description,
> > but if we need to say something that the installer is a installer and
> > not the game.  To make really clear that there is no connection between
> > this package and PokeMMO beside that this will download the installer
> > and bootstrap the game.
> Why not simply package the game?
> > (CC'ing chris so that he can share his thoughts.)
> All of what you wrote sounds pretty reasonable but will hinge on the
> final result. The more verbose in debian/copyright the better, tbh :)

Still working on other parts, but I think we're making progress...

Carlos has reworked the short and long description of the package, so
I'd like to the share that draft with you and like to hear what you think:

Description: Installer and Launcher for the PokeMMO emulator
 This program downloads and installs the PokeMMO client to a user's home
 directory and provides a launcher script for a convientient starting
 of the emulator.
 PokeMMO client is an emulator of several popular console games with
 additional features and multiplayer capabilities.
 This launcher assists with the download, installation, and maintenance
 of the game client.

many thanks!


> Regards,
> -- 
>       ,''`.
>      : :'  :     Chris Lamb
>      `. `'`      la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
>        `-

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