On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 01:30:46PM +0100, Gertjan Halkes wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "libt3key". This is one of
> the dependencies of the Tilde text editor (#692512).
>  * Package name    : libt3key
>    Version         : 0.2.7-1

> It builds those binary packages:
>     libt3key-bin - Utilities for working with libt3key terminal
>                    descriptions
>     libt3key-dev - Development files for libt3key
>     libt3key1  - Terminal key sequence database library

It Build-Depends on a package named libxcb-dev that doesn't exist.

There's an alternate dependency on libx11-dev, but those are ignored for
official packages, being meant for users messing with the packages "at

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