
> >    What are the binaries in src/build/install/resources/ext.tgz? Do they 
> > have
> >    sources?
> >      *they are some specially built utilities with no source.
> Non-free then.
> I also wonder how does that work with both ppc64 and ppc64el
> architectures.
>   *this is a current exposure, which will be handled later. New source will 
> be created and added.
Will that also apply to the firmware? 
And what about the click-through license?
  *the software for the firmware images will not be included

  *we need to allow the click-to-accept license. It is a typical generic usage 
agreement. No fee.
   Our software is installed without running the click-to-accept. If a customer 
buys an adapter
   we support, then they run the configure script. That configure script 
invokes the click-to-accept,
   before enabling our software to work with the adapter.

 Mike Vageline
 IBM POWER Software Development

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