Thanks for feedback! I seem to have lost some chunk of messages, or
possibly I just missed your reply and removed it. Sorry for that.
That said, here we go:
On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 23:26:47 +0500 Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org>
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> Why does the report title say "NMU"?
Perhaps it shouldn't - large parts of the debian workflow is still a
mystery for me.
> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 05:41:45PM +0200, Alec Leamas wrote:
> > * Restore parallel builds, accidentally disabled in -2
> debian/compat says 10, so --parallel is the default.
yes... OTOH, at some point when 0.9.4c (last version before 0.10.0) was
built locally the builds was indeed parallel. Now, it seems like it uses
make -j1. But it turns out that this is the case using --parallel or
not, so adding it makes actually no sense. Removing it.
> > * Fixed upstream bus #294 (VPATH build issues, in -1).
> s/bus/bug/
> There are three new patches in debian/patches that are not mentioned in
> debian/patches/series.
Old garbage, an oversight. Removed.
> How are those two upstream bugs fixed?
They was fixed by the experimental 0l.10.0-rc3 upstream release, which
eventually became 0.10.0 by upstream and pushed to sid as 0.10.0-1.
This should have been mentioned in -1, but was not, hence the -1 note.
> I haven't looked at the package itself, but wtf is happening in prerm?
Removing files not owned by the package any more (but left on install to
niot remove anything user-edited).
> And you shouldn't call python3 -m compileall in postinst.
Uploaded new version to mentors [1]
[1] https://mentors.debian.net/package/lirc